Photo by JuliaC2006. Obtained through Flickr Creative Commons.

Become a School Library Advocate!

The Legislative Committee of CSLA works closely with our lobbyist to initiate or support legislation that aligns with our Legislative Agenda.

We also believe that every member is a library advocate. Your work locally is as necessary as our work at the state level.  It is like a rose trellis, where each rose planted at the base grows and blooms until they meet at the apex to create a trellis that is fully in bloom from end to end.

On this page, we will be growing toolkits for you to use in your advocacy including targeted toolkits on:

  • How to speak to issue locally,
  • How to get on school board agenda,
  • How to get libraries on school board elections agendas,
  • How to access funding via LCFF and other state literacy grants,
  • How to advocate at your school site,
  • How to advocate within your union.

If you have experience in any of these areas and have resources to share, we'd love to have you on our team!


Profile photos (5)

Are you ready to Start Growing your Advocacy?

One place to get started is developing a habit of communicating with elected officials.  See our new toolkit on how to communicate with elected officials below.