WASC Resources

Focus on Learning: Joint ACS WASC/CDE Process Guide

The WASC accreditation process is a powerful stimulus for schools to re-examine or define their goals and objectives. It is an opportunity to look introspectively at the instructional program of the school and to write descriptions that emphasize both accomplishments and the need for change. 

Reporting on the school library program in the WASC assessment document can become an opportunity for leadership and program promotion as library personnel become informed and active participants in the local self-study program. Their task is to define a quality library program that is integral to local curriculum development and implementation. These materials are designed to assist in the accomplishment of this task.

The title of the current document for accreditation of high schools is Focus on Learning (FoL). Its aim is to foster program improvement, and is based on a process that involves the entire school staff in identifying Schoolwide Learning Outcomes (SLOs). Its organizational design is focused around three types of groups or teams: Leadership Team, Home Groups (stakeholder groups organized by roles/responsibilities), and Focus Groups (interdisciplinary groups of stakeholders).

This Brochure is intended to guide teacher librarians, administrators, and others as they use the Focus on Learning document to interpret, assess and develop the library program.