Photo by David Woo. Obtained from Flickr Creative Commons

Who we are
The Foundation's purpose is to:
- offer state and regional scholarships and grants to encourage professional growth and support library services in educational settings
- carry on other charitable and educational activities associated with this goal.
- form Partnerships with Library and Educational Associations, Booksellers, and other groups who share our interests in promoting Digital and Information Literacy.
More information about the available grants can be found on our CSLF Grants page.

Ways to Give
Donations to the Foundation funds projects that support California school library services.
You may target your donation for a specific project or for general support.
You will receive an email donation receipt for your tax records.
- Donate by check.
- Donate to the Remembrance, Tribute and Planned Giving Fund for members, friends, and families to donate to the Foundation in honor of an individual or occasion.
- Volunteer to help by joining CSLA.
What we do
Fund the Rosemarie Memorial Scholarship for Teacher Librarian Education
Fund the Earlene Billing Travel Grant for CSLA Conference Attendees
Partner with Mackin to fund the CSLA Technology Award
Offer grants for projects that inform our communities of the value of school libraries
Sponsor “The Greatness of School Libraries” award at the annual California Student Media Festival
Foundation Board

Lesley Farmer

Kate Applebee

Renée Ousley-Swank
School Library Technology Consultant
Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division
California Department of Education
1430 N Street
Sacramento, CA

Hall Davidson
Senior Director, Global Learning Initiatives
Discovery Education

Robyn Justus
Teacher Librarian, retired

Rosan Cable
Ex-Officio Member
Teacher Librarian
Garden Grove High School
Garden Grove, CA