Conference Committee
Plans and conducts the annual conference of the State Association.
Organizational Liaisons Committee
Develops and maintains active liaisons with other associations and organizations for the purpose of furthering the legislative goals of the association and educating communities about school libraries.
Membership Committees
Membership Committee
Assumes leadership in recruiting and maintaining membership.
History and Archives Committee
Oversees the acquisition, preservation, maintenance, and display of the archival material of California School Library Association (CSLA) and all preceding associations dating back to its founding in 1915.
Retirees Committee
Promotes CSLA advocacy and involvement for currently retired members.
Anti-bias, Anti-Racism Committees
Leadership for Diversity Committee
Promotes leadership diversity in the school library professions and addresses the information needs of California’s multicultural, multilingual students.
Communications Committees
Public Relations Committee
Prepares a plan for statewide public relations activities and, with Board approval, carries out these plans.
Professional Development Committees
Committee for Standards Integration
Maintains the CSLA Seal of Alignment Program, which recognizes resources for their strength in supporting information and digital literacy and other library skill curriculum and instruction.
California Young Reader Medal (CYRM) Committee
Coordinates CYRM activities on behalf of CSLA. The CYRM program is a partnership with three other organizations: California Association of Teachers of English (CATE), California Library Association (CLA), and California Reading Association (CRA).
Research Committee
Promotes and facilitates research as a vital part of the library media program and to support its application.
Governmental Relations Committees
Government Relations Committee
Engages in on-going analysis of pending state legislation affecting school library services and personnel and provides leadership in initiating, supporting, or opposing such legislation. Conveys information about federal legislation from ALA to members and encourages action when appropriate.
Intellectual Freedom Committee
Assumes leadership and serves as a resource in areas regarding First Amendment issues related to California school libraries.
Advocacy Committee
Develops and maintains tool for local and state advocacy. Supports and foster school library advocate leadership in local communities and brings their concerns back to the Government Relations to advance legislative issues in alignment with local needs.
Classified Committees
Classified Committee
Represents the interests, issues, and concerns of CSLA classified employees and provides leadership in addressing those needs.